The focus and responsibility of the Division of Corporate Services is to provide the main units with the essential prerequisites to sustain an effective and efficient work to ensure uninterrupted functions of the administration, customer service, equipment, technology, manpower, training, and processes within the Bureau. The section is also responsible for developing a socially responsible and committed workforce through strengthening and improving its service, providing an effective administration, deliver quality and reliable statistics on a timely matter, and to assist the public and importers, as well as overseas visitors, to better understand and use the services and programs administered by Customs.
As part of our core functions, we strive to elevate the caliber of our officers and personnel through training and educational development. Trainings such as these are conducted through various partnering agencies whether they be government, inter-agency, international or regional organization in partnership with our Bureau and its Divisions.
Information Technology is an integral part of the functionalities that assist with the daily operations of the Bureau and its Divisions. As we move towards modernization and innovative technology, so does our processes and applications, therefore, we envision our Bureau staying up to date with the modern changes and technology to provide optimal services.
We aim to manage and support employees within our Bureau and its Divisions through recruitment, training, payroll, administration management and employee relations. This is an essential role because we assist in developing and implementing the Bureau policies to ensure compliance with rules and regulations, and also foster positive work cultures between our officers and personnel.
- There are 5 Divisions currently under the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection and they are:
- Division of Border Management and Enforcement
- Division of Revenue & Trade Facilitation
- Division of Corporate Services
- Division of Immigration
- Division of Biosecurity
- RPPL 11-7, reorganized the Divisions of Immigration and Biosecurity as divisions under the Bureau of Customs under the Ministry of Finance.
- There are a wide range of trainings to include but not limited to capacity building, workshops, seminars, online and/or virtual to name a few, furthermore, these are provided by our partner public agencies, countries, inter-agency groups and international or regional organizations.
- Essentially we are the Division that handles the administrative and supportive work in all aspects of the Bureau and its Divisions. From daily operations to payroll to name a few and any supportive functions between our Bureau and other government agencies, international or regional organizations and the public & private sectors.